Telegram Mini Apps Advertising is Now Available at OnClickA
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Telegram Mini Apps Advertising is Now Available at OnClickA!

#Ads tips
September 16, 2024

Rewarded Advertising is here on OnClickA! Create and manage campaigns in Telegram Mini Apps directly from your account. Discover new ad formats and boost your revenue. Read more!

OnClicka is excited to announce the launch of advertising within Telegram Mini Apps! Now you can create and manage your ad campaigns through our advertising platform directly from your personal account, and we're here to show you how. Plus, you can also monetize your own mini apps within Telegram with this new feature. This opens up new opportunities for optimizing your revenue while reaching your target audience more efficiently. 

What Are the Benefits of Advertising in Mini Apps?

Both advertisers and publishers can leverage OnClicka's platform for their Telegram Mini Apps advertising needs. Here’s what we offer:

For Advertisers:

  • Fast and Easy Start: Run your campaigns effortlessly and efficiently.
  • High-Quality Traffic: Reach your audience with top-tier, relevant traffic.
  • Broad Targeting Filters: Utilize broad targeting filters to fine-tune your reach.
  • Transparent Statistics 24/7: Access real-time data to track and optimize your performance.

For Publishers:

  • Quality Ads: Display high-quality ads that enhance user experience and engagement.
  • Higher Revenue: Maximize your income with performance-based results.
  • Competitive Payouts: Benefit from increased earnings and generous payment terms payouts.
  • Seamless Setup & Easy Integration: Enjoy a smooth and quick integration process.

Ad Formats for Telegram Mini Apps

When it comes to advertising within Telegram Mini Apps (TMA), you have three dynamic formats to choose from: rewarded posts, rewarded videos, and banner ads. Let’s explore each format and how it can enhance your advertising strategy:

  • Rewarded Posts: Users receive a bonus or in-app currency for viewing a promotional post. This format effectively encourages users to engage with the content as they get something valuable in return.
  • Rewarded Videos: Users watch a video ad in exchange for rewards. This is a great way to capture attention and provide engaging content that adds value to the user experience. See a video example here. 

With rewarded advertising, you have complete control over the ad's frequency, content, and the specific triggers that prompt the ad to play. You also set the reward that users will receive for their interaction, allowing for a customized and effective approach.

  • Banner Advertising: Banner ads are another popular choice for promoting content products and utilities. These ads appear in designated areas within the app that you choose, offering a consistent and non-intrusive way to reach your audience.

Banner Ad Integration Example:

Banner Ad Integration Example

You can specify the theme, location, and size of the banner to ensure it aligns with your campaign objectives and stands out to your target audience.

Payment Models

For both rewarded and banner ads, payment is based on a cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) model, with prices ranging from $0.50 to $10 depending on user geolocation.

Target Your Audience

One of the key benefits of advertising within Telegram Mini Apps is the ability to precisely target your audience. You can segment users based on:

  • GEO
  • Language
  • Operating System (iOS & Android)
  • Telegram Premium subscriptions

Now that you know the benefits of advertising within TMA with OnClicka, check out our step-by-step guide to maximize these features through your personal account.

Step 1: Log In to Your Personal Account

Visit your account and select “Create Campaign.”

In the Ad Formats section, choose Telegram Mini App, then select the Rewarded Video format. Enter your campaign name here.

Create Campaign

Step 2: Set Your Desired Price

In the Pricing section, set the preferred bid amount. We recommend using the suggested price as a guideline and consulting with your account manager, as auction prices may fluctuate (the Pricebox updates weekly based on recent results).

You can also set limits for how much your bid can vary; we recommend setting it between 10-20%.


Step 3: Create Ad

In the Ad Selection section, click Create New One. Under Select in-stream ad type, choose Video and set the desired skip time.

Ad Selection

Next, upload the URL of your creative and set the tokens you’d like to track statistics with — both in our dashboard and in your tracker interface if you’re using one.

Finally, upload your video (limited to 50 MB, in MP4 format).

Note: Since this format is primarily viewed on mobile devices, we recommend uploading vertical videos for the best user experience.

Step 4: Select Categories

In the Categories section, click on Mainstream. You can leave all the suggested categories as they are.


Step 5: Select Sources

In the Sources section, select all by default — just keep everything unchecked, as all sources are automatically selected.


Step 6: Select Spots

For now, you can skip selecting specific spots. Later, during campaign optimization, you can work with your account manager to set up a blacklist or whitelist of spots.


Step 7: Choose Main Parameters

Select your target countries and choose the desired device type. Please note that, currently, the majority of traffic is coming from CIS countries and Tier-4 countries.

Main Parameters

Step 8: Set Other Parameters

Here you choose the preferred languages, operating systems (and their versions), as well as IP2 location types.

Other Parameters

Step 9: Set Limit Type

The Limit Type is determined by the advertiser. We recommend gradually increasing your daily limit as the campaign gets optimized. To start, you can set a daily limit of $30-50.

Limit Type

The final step — click Create Campaign. It’s that simple!

Want to Learn More?

Head over to the OnClickA blog for even more detailed guides and articles to refine your marketing strategies and become a campaign optimization pro!

Advertise with OnClicka in Telegram Mini Apps and see real results with just a few clicks.

Сlick the button below to start advertising and monetizing Telegram Mini Apps today!

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