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Struggling with Conversions in Push Campaigns? Here's What You Can Do

#Ads tips
July 16, 2024

Push notifications can be a powerful tool for driving engagement and conversions, but if you're finding your campaigns aren't delivering the results you expect, you're not alone. This post will explore some key strategies to optimize your push campaigns and turn those clicks into conversions.

Push notifications are a handy tool for reaching people who already showed interest in your business by signing up for your updates, but getting them to click on your message and actually buy something can be a tricky thing. In today's world of online marketing, where everyone's competing for attention, it's not enough to just send out push notifications and hope for the best, you need to fine-tune your campaigns to get the most sales and make the most out of your budget. In this post we will discuss further what you can do to improve your Push Campaigns.

Section 1: Optimize Your Campaign

Activate Auto-Adjust Function

Imagine having a helper that automatically adjusts the prices you pay for showing your ads throughout the day. That's exactly what the Auto-Adjust function does! It works behind the scenes, making sure your bids are always in the sweet spot to get you the most clicks and conversions for your money.

Why Is It Important?

As you know, traffic prices on the Real-Time Bidding (RTB) auction can fluctuate constantly.  Auto-Adjust helps you stay ahead of these changes by:

  • Ensuring your bids remain competitive in the ever-changing auction landscape.
  • Securing relevant traffic that aligns with your campaign goals.
  • Optimizing your campaigns for conversions over time by automatically adjusting bids based on performance.

How to Use It in OnClickA

Using Auto-Adjust is simple and straightforward. Here's a detailed guide to get you started:

Navigate to your campaign settings within the OnClickA dashboard.  

Look for the "Campaigns" tab or section within the OnClickA interface.

Locate the Auto-Adjust function under the pricing model.  

Within the campaign settings page, there should be a dedicated section for managing your pricing. Look for the option named "Auto-Adjust" or a similar term within the section.

Enable the Auto-Adjust option and set your preferred parameters according to your campaign goals.  

Once you've found the Auto-Adjust function, click the button or toggle switch to activate it. This will typically turn on Auto-Adjust for your campaign. Now comes the important part: setting the parameters that guide how Auto-Adjust will optimize your bids.

Section 2: Set Up Push Subscription Period

Think about subscribing to a new streaming service.  In the first week, you're excited to explore all the new shows and movies.  You might even tell your friends about it.  A month later, you've probably watched some of your favorites, and while you're still happy with the service, you're not quite as enthusiastic.  This is kind of similar to what happens with push notifications. People who just signed up for your updates are more likely to be interested in what you have to say.  They're like that new subscriber to the streaming service - excited to explore what you offer.  But as time goes on, their excitement might fade a little.  That's why it's important to target your push notifications to people who recently subscribed.  They're more likely to open your messages and take action, like clicking on a link or making a purchase.

Importance of Fresh Audience

Targeting a fresh audience in push campaigns is critical for maximizing engagement and conversions. Here's why:

  • Higher Attention Spans: New website visitors are more likely to be actively browsing and receptive to new information. They haven't yet seen all your content or offers, making them more attentive to your push notifications.
  • Increased Purchase Intent: Since they're recently engaged with your website, there's a higher chance they're in the consideration stage of the buying journey. A well-timed push notification can nudge them towards a purchase.
  • Improved Relevancy: By targeting new subscribers, your notifications are more likely to be relevant to their current interests. They haven't opted out of receiving updates, indicating they're open to hearing from you.

Dividing Campaigns by Subscription Time

To take advantage of the freshness of your audience, consider segmenting your push campaigns by subscription period. Here's a breakdown of recommended periods and expected engagement:

  • 0-7 days: This audience is the freshest and most likely to engage with your push notifications. They've just subscribed, indicating high interest in your brand.
  • 7-30 days: While still relevant, engagement with this audience might be slightly lower compared to the 0-7 day group.
  • 30+ days: This group consists of older subscribers who may have subscribed a while back. Engagement rates tend to be lower here.

Setting Up Campaigns:

Create Separate Campaigns for Different Audience Freshness

It's a good idea to create separate push campaigns for each subscription period (0-7 days, 7-30 days, and 30+ days). This way, you can design your message and special offers to better suit each specific group of people you're trying to reach. 

  • Imagine you're a cryptocurrency exchange. You might send a push notification to people who just signed up (0-7 days) offering a welcome bonus when they make their first crypto purchase.  
  • For people who subscribed a little longer ago (7-30 days), you could send a notification highlighting a new cryptocurrency listing on your exchange. 
  • And for those who haven't interacted with you in a while (30+ days), you might send a notification with an educational piece about the benefits of investing in cryptocurrency, or you could offer a referral bonus to incentivize them to tell their friends about your exchange.

Adjust bids based on the freshness of the audience

When setting up your campaigns in OnClickA, you'll have the opportunity to allocate budget and adjust bids for each campaign segment.  This is where you can put the idea of "freshness" into action by setting higher bids for the audience segment that is most likely to convert (typically the 0-7 day group).  You can then adjust bids downward for the less fresh audience segments (7-30 days and 30+ days).

How to Use It in OnClickA

Thankfully, OnClickA makes setting up push campaigns by subscription period easy:

  1. Go to the campaign creation section within your OnClickA dashboard.
  2. Select the push campaign type.
  3. During campaign setup, you'll find an option for audience targeting. Here, you can set up targeting by subscription period.
  4. Once you've segmented your audience, allocate and adjust bids for each campaign segment based on the freshness of the audience (highest for 0-7 days, moderate for 7-30 days, and lower for 30+ days).

Section 3: Practical Tips for Implementation

Monitoring and Analytics

Once you've launched your push campaigns segmented by subscription period, it's crucial to monitor their performance closely.  Here's how:

  • Regularly Monitor Key Metrics: Keep a watchful eye on key performance indicators (KPIs) like click-through rates (CTRs), conversion rates, and cost-per-acquisition (CPA). These metrics will tell you how your campaigns are performing across the different audience segments (0-7 days, 7-30 days, and 30+ days).
  • Utilize OnClickA's Analytics Tools: Thankfully, OnClickA provides powerful built-in analytics tools. Use these tools to delve deeper into your campaign data and gain insights into audience behavior for each subscription period segment.

Adjustments Based on Performance

Don't just set up your campaigns and forget about them!  The beauty of digital advertising is that it's constantly evolving.  By monitoring your analytics, you can make data-driven adjustments to optimize your campaigns for better results:

  • Make Adjustments Based on Insights: The data you gather from OnClickA's analytics will reveal which audience segments (0-7 days, 7-30 days, or 30+ days) are performing best. Use these insights to refine your audience targeting parameters and bids for each segment. For instance, if you see that the 0-7 day audience has the highest CTR and conversion rates, you might increase your budget allocation for that segment while potentially lowering your bids for the 30+ day segment.
  • Refine Audience Segments and Bids: As you gather more data, you might find that some adjustments are needed to your initial audience segmentations. For example, you might decide to extend the timeframe for the "fresher" audience segment from 0-7 days to 0-10 days based on your findings.

Continuous Optimization

Push notification marketing is like tending a garden.  It requires ongoing care and attention to flourish. Here's why continuous optimization is essential:

  • Maintain Performance: The advertising landscape is dynamic. User behavior and preferences can shift over time. Regular reviews and tweaks to your campaigns help ensure they stay aligned with current trends and continue to deliver strong results.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: By consistently monitoring and optimizing your campaigns, you can stay ahead of the curve and maximize your return on investment (ROI) from OnClickA's Custom Push Subscription Period feature.


In today's competitive digital marketing landscape, optimizing your push campaigns for conversions is no longer optional, it's essential. OnClickA's Custom Push Subscription Periods combined with their powerful Auto-Adjust function empowers you to automate bidding and optimize campaigns for maximum ROI, this means you can spend less time managing complexities and more time focusing on creative strategies. Start today!


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